Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fighting with lag

Fighting with lag

Due to the nature of where I live, it's very difficult for me to find matches to play locally. As a result, in-game lag is something that I just have to learn to deal with when I'm playing. If you're able to find lcaol games, or even online games that are fast and efficient, then you have a luxury that I don't. So, I can either complain about the lag, quit playing, or learn to cope with it.

  • What does lag entail?

  • What does lag enable you to do?

  • What does lag prevent you from doing?

Is lag a big deal?

Lag is caused for a number of reasons, none of which really matter for the purposes of what I'm writing about. The key thing is that it slows down the speed at which you can input commands to the game, and the speed at which you can react to your opponent. Many players that are used to playing locally find that it renders the game unplayable, because they are used to entering their inputs at a certain speed and have trouble adapting to a slower tempo.

Although I don't disagree with the frustration that players better than I experience, I think that there is still a game to be played when lag is a factor. When I say game, I mean it in the sense that there is still strategy to be put into use, and there is still an ability for someone to win the game and minimize the amount of luck that has a factor in the outcome.

Using lag to your advantage

I believe that lag can be used to your benefit. In my own experience, I've found that I'm able to get away with more full combo strings than normal. This is typically bceause the opponent has attempted to break me out of the combo where they would normally be able to, without lag, but in this instance, they have input their command too late. With lag, you also have to be thinking that much further ahead than your opponent, since there is even less reaction time available to you then normally (the longer the lag, the earlier you have to input your command to have it actually reach the other machine and execute in time).

What does this really come down to? Good yomi.

Yomi is the key ingredient to playing in a laggy environment. If you have trained your opponent well enough, you should barely need to use any reaction time late in the game - you should already have a very strong idea of what your opponent is going to do next, and thus you react accordingly. Part of using yomi effectively is making good guesses. The more you guess correctly, the more predictable your opponent will become, as they start to fear you reading them. You can see that there is obviously a snowball effect here, and ultimately we're aiming to dominate our opponent's mind. Once we have succeeded at that, the rest becomes easy.


Lag will also make it more difficult for someone on the defense to break into your attack pattern. When you have the offence, it is generally easier to continue through to the end of the string than it is to break in with the opponent's attack. This puts the power into the hands of the attacker, since they get the choice of whether or not they will complete the string or break it off into a throw (etc.).

In addition to simply following your strings through to completion, you'll notice that with more lag, you will be less likely to get hit at the end of your sequence, as the opponent has to understand when they need to enter their own inputs given the lag, and are less likely to do this successfully. Learning how to speed up or delay your inputs while playing in lag is a valuable skill indeed - it can be applied to games that don't have any lag at all.

Lastly, you can cheat out of your frames of disadvantage. Because of the point above, you will often be able to score cheap strikes following a situation where you should have been at a disadvantage, simply because your opponent didn't input at the appropriate time. See if you notice that your opponent's response is slightly delayed after you follow through with particular strings, and then abuse those delays that you notice.

Lag as a style

In addition to adapting and reacting to the lag, it is important to learn how to use this as a strength. Lag is just one more avenue in which deviations of your rhythm come into play. Lag forces you to slow down and speed up your movements, and adjust to the pitch of the environment within which you're fighting. If all the characters are moving more slowly, you, as a player controller them, are going to have to act more slowly as well.

Good players will, over time, gain the ability to adapt as needed and adjust their inputs accordingly - certainly a valuable skill, However, there is a disadvantage here as well - they have been trained themselves adjust your inputs based on what you see on the screen. If I now start to stutter my inputs and make my flow more jerky, your eyes are going to tell you that the game is in lag mode, and slow your inputs.

By simulating a laggy game, you can throw off your opponent's timing

Successfully throwing off your opponent's timing will mean that you control the flow of the game, and the rate at which it can be played. Being in control is a good thing - it makes it easier to adapt to the pace of the match, and easier to apply pressure and yomi to your opponent.

At its finest, you will be able to play with a choppy style that visually puts forth the illusion of lag to your opponent, and confuses their attempts to respond and counter-hit. I have had many legitimate complaints about lag during games I've played, but I have also had complaints when the game, at least on my end, was very very smooth. I like to believe that this is due to the style of rhythm that I am presenting to the opponent, and forcing them to adapt to.

Playing within the confines of lag is like any other aspect of the game - it takes some adaption and understanding in order to deal with it. It will never be as pure as a game without lag, which is to say that it will never be as close to the best game that you can ideally train yourself to play. However, it's well worth your time to practice training in this kind of environment - a good deal of your fights online will be laggy.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Back on the wagon

So, it was a great trip while it lasted, but I've put Fallout 3 back in its case, and returned it to the game graveyard with the other diversions I've had in between bouts of Virtua Fighter. That means a few things. One, I popped VF5 back in my 360, and started learning the humility that comes from a two-month break from the game and realizing that you've accumulated six metric ass-loads of rust. Two, now that I'm back on the virtuous path, I'll be blogging again, so come back and check out the site to see if there's anything new up.

The last comment I had was a request on how to improve your flow with Brad when fighting, and that seems like a good place to start. Remember, keep the comments coming. Even if it takes me two months to get to it, I'm always eager for new ideas to write about. Chances are that you've come up against things that I haven't yet really thought too heavily about, and the best ideas evolve from a shared focus.

Here's what I want to talk about:

  • What is flow?

  • How can you begin learning decent flow?

  • Evolving flow throughout the match

  • How do you prevent yourself from having your flow interupted, and how do you recover from this?

  • Disguising your flow and your rhythm

So what is it?

Before we can start talking about flow, we need to understand what it is. Most people in the game use flow to talk about the ability of a player to string together a series of attacks in a manner that makes it difficult for the opponent to interrupt. Due to the nature of Virtua Fighter's fighting system, it is impossible to put together an endless stream of attacks that will never provide your opponent a chance to respond. This would be a pretty lame game if it was possible.

While it may be difficult to put together an endless stream, many good players are able to string together attacks in ways that lure you into thinking you've got an opportunity to break them out of their flow, only to trick you and earn themselves a counter-hit. This counter-hit then resets their frame advantage and allows them to continue onwards.

Flow is a concept related very closely to rhythm. As I mentioned before, good fighting rhythm can make it very difficult for your opponent to understand and deal with your flow, and frustrate their attempts to block effectively.

Where do I start?

Good flow starts with a strong understanding of the basics. The first thing you need to know before you start is the moves of your character that string together well.

For Brad players, PP, PPK, and 6P are all excellent starting points. During player matches, make a point of just trying to string together PP, 6P, and 6P, PK. Don't rush it, and don't force it. Brad's PP is -5 on hit or guard, so if the opponent has the awareness to attack right after succesfully blocking, you will get counterhit out of your follow-up. How are we going to deal with that? Easy - you're going to establish a base-line of expectation. Brad's PPK is a good string, and there is not room for the opponent to interrupt the string until the end. After eating enough of these attacks, your opponent is going to start to holding block in anticipation of the third kick, and now you've set the stage for the next step of your flow.

Now that your opponent is trained to block the last kick in the string, you are ready to evolve your flow, and start mixing in PP, 6P. Generally speaking, you have a broken flow here - your opponent can interrupt your string by jabbing you after the first two punches. The key element is that you have trained them to understand that they are unsafe attempting to make this move, because they will get counter-hit by the expected kick in the sequence. Now that you've trained them to block low, your 6P elbow will stagger them, and you have effectively reset sequence. From a staggered elbow, you can again shift into PPK or PP, 6P again.

Evolving flow throughout the match

In squash, there is a mantra that the player must build the rally. What this means is that you cannot serve the ball in and then start attacking your opponent aggressively. You need to set the tone for the rally by playing safe shots, and gradually and continuously apply pressure as the rally goes on. What you're looking to do is to create opportunities to hit a winning shot, rather than forcing the winning shot.

My own experience is that Virtua Fighter is a very similar beast, and flow operates in the same manner. Whenever I start fighting an opponent that I am not familiar with, I always start off by setting out the base-line expectation. The safest string to start with for Brad, in my experience, is either 6P (not really a string, but it's safe and quick), and PPK. Until I've hit them with this move a few times, there's no reason to anticipate that they will be willing to continue blocking while I use tricks like PP, 6P.

In a VF5 match, you want to build the opportunity to punish your opponent. This is what good flow is about. You're looking to continue using safe moves to force your opponent into feeling like the only option they have is to block - if everytime they try and counter-attack my PP, they get counter-hit by the kick at the end, they are going to feel like they simply must block. Once you've gotten them thinking this way, you have now created an opportunity for you to punish them with either a throw or a strong mid-hit.

Beginning players will often make the mistake of trying to start out too complicated and tricky, and trying to mix their flow up too soon. Always start off simple, with a base-line expectation that your opponent needs to learn. Once they've adapted, then, and only then, is it appropriate to start changing things up.

How do you prevent yourself from having your flow interupted, and how do you recover from this?

This is the other problem that new players often find themselves in. Once their flow gets interrupted, they are caught offguard and have difficulty re-establishing themselves. This is typically when you will see a player's safety game come into play. What I mean by that is this: Every player has a certain set of moves that they feel safe using. These moves may or may not actually be safe, but what is important is that to the player, they are perceived to be safe.

For me, 2P and evading are safety moves. For other players, it may be simply turtling up, or standing jab, or any number of other things. Falling into a safety game can be okay, but the largest danger here is that you can quickly become robotic relying on this survival instinct. Your main goal once knocked out of your flow should be to break any flow that your opponent may have initiated (either by blocking or counter-hitting them out of their own flow), and re-initiate your own.

There's a large hurdle that new players have to overcome, and that is this: When you are knocked out of your flow, it was a flow that you had been evolving towards. Once you've been knocked out of that, you need to start back at the basics, and return back up to that spot. Again, perhaps a squash analogy will help (for the 0.34 squash players reading this blog). When we are building rallies in squash, we are typically trying to continually and gradually apply pressure to the opponent. However, there is always a point where the opponent will be able to hit a good return that now forces us back onto the defensive. When this occurs, a bad player will foolish try to attack, and usually either hit an error (and lose the rally), or set his opponent up to make a winning shot. A good player will return to hitting safe shots until he is once again able to build the rally to the point where he can confidently make attacking shots.

Be the good squash player when you are playing VF5, and understand that having your flow broken means you need to return to your basic game and begin building up from there. If you get knocked out of your flow, accept that fact, and return to your basics of PP, 6P, and PPK (by the way, there are plenty of other excellent ways for Brad to start his basic flow, I just use those three as easy examples that can be applied by anyone new to Brad).

Disguising your flow and your rhythm

Once you've developed the ability to establish and maintain flow throughout the match, you will eventually reach a point where you realize that even if you are mixing things up to an extent, your opponent is able to block most of your moves and accurately find the break point to counter-hit. At this point, you need to evolve further, and start disguising your rhythm. I have covered this to some extent before on a previous blog entry related to charge moves here. However, you don't need to rely on charge moves to mix up your rhythm. Here's an example:

You've succesfully trained your opponent to block low after he sees the first two punches in Brad's PPK string. You're now ready to move on to a different string set, and you switch into using PP, 6P. For a while, it's working great, but then they start to try and jab you out of the elbow. No problem, you returned to using PPK, and gained some more free hits. However, after a point, your opponent is going to start to block low in anticipation of the low kick, and when he doesn't see it, switch to a mid-guard to block the elbow. At this point, there are a number of ways you can evolve further. You can start throwing instead of using an elbow, which will punish your opponent to switching into a mid-guard. This presents the opponent with two choices (called a nitaku situation in Virtua Fighter forums): they can guess blocking high or low and potentially be hit with an elbow or a throw, depending on whether or not they guessed correctly. You can do more than just this though, and if you really want to be simple, you can just delay the elbow a little bit longer. You're not actually changing the string, you're just introducing some delay to force your opponent into second-guessing themselves. This will play out like this:

Old flow:

  1. You enter PP

  2. Your opponent guards low, then when he doesn't see the kick, shifts to mid-guard

  3. You enter 6P, and your opponent successfully guards

  4. You are now back to the starting point, and have a slight frame disadvantage. Guard and look for a place to break your opponent's flow, and then restart with basics

New hotness:

  1. You enter PP

  2. Your opponent guards low, then when he doesn't see the kick, shifts to mid-guard

  3. You wait a little, then enter 6P

  4. Your opponent, not seeing the elbow when he's become used to expecting it, tries to start their own attack, but is then counter-hit by your elbow

  5. You are now back to the starting point, but have a frame advantage against your opponent. You can now explore any of Brad's standard combo options from starting from 6P, or, delay further and start over with PP, etc.

You can see how, over time, you will gain the ability to start, stop, and reset your flow in a myriad of ways without your opponent being able to figure out when it is safe to counter-hit, and when they need to block.

An important side-note: The lower the skill level of your opponent, the longer it takes to train them to react a certain way. Using PPK as an example, I will continue to use this move until I notice they start blocking it effectively. After the first time they block the last kick in the sequence, I usually try it out again, just to convince myself that it wasn't just a lucky block, and that the opponent has indeed figure out how to stop taking damage from this move. Remember, if it isn't broke, don't fix it - As long as something remains effective, keep using it.

Finally, I've indicated that a good mix-up string to use with Brad is PP, 6P. There's one catch here, and that is that Brad is able to enter his stance options from PP (ducking, slipping left, slipping right, etc.). What this means is that if you hit PP and then 6, you will enter into his ducking stance, rather than getting the elbow you were hoping for. Your two options to avoid this are to either delay just long enough such that the window to enter a stance passes, and then hit 6P, or, use guard to clear your buffer window. In this last case, the correct input sequence would be PP, G, 6P. Hitting guard will clear out Brad's ability to stance shift, and allow you to enter the elbow without the danger of going into ducking.

Okay, so, I'm back, and it felt really good getting back on the 'box last night and getting the chance to play some old friends. Keep checking back, please please please leave comments about things you'd like me to write about, and don't hesitate to challenge me if you see me online (just don't take offense if I have to decline - Wife > Virtua Fighter 5).

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So busy...

Man it's been a while since the last update... This sucks.

I have every intention of continuing to write in this blog - however, I have been very busy as of late, and on top of that, Fallout 3 came out on the XBox 360. Being a huge fan of Bethesda's last game, Oblivion, I'd be a dick if I didn't take some time away from the fists of Brad Burns to sit down and devastate some wasteland super mutants in post-apocalyptic Washington, D.C.

So, those of you that are still following along, continue to check back, as I have no doubt at all in my mind that I will once again pop Virtua Fighter 5 into the console and start at it again - it's the only game that I've ever been able to consistently come back to, and I'm notoriously bad for setting down games and walking away from them once I get bored of them.

Before I go, just a quick update of where I left off - I felt like I was starting to spin my wheels, and falling into common pitfalls the more I played Brad. It's not my fault that Brad has very good circulars in his 2K+G and DM P+K. But it IS my fault that I let myself fall into the trap of using these constantly and in every situation. Before I knew it, DM P+K had become my new evade, and I was back in the same boat. Ugh.

The more I tried to move past this, the more frustrated I grew, and that culminated when a good player I spar with defeated me multiple matches in a row using Brad himself. This would have been fine if he wasn't normally a Jacky player, and a self-admittedly poor Brad player. I knew I had to take a break and let myself return to a creative way of thinking about the game. There comes a point in everyone's progress where they need to take a step back, think about how they are approaching things, and recalibrate.

So, take my hiatus as an indication that this is what I am doing: retreating in order to move forward. I'll be back shortly - by my suspicions, in about two weeks time, as I am starting to feel my interest in Fallout 3 waning, and it's difficult to avoid the siren's call of VF5 when I don't have any other video games to play (and besides, what am I going to do in between working out and chores).

I still have a comment to address that someone posted, suggesting they would like to hear more about ways to improve Brad's flow, and that too is in the hopper. It's the next thing I'll tackle, as soon as I put my gloves back on and head into the ring. Big thanks to anyone that has remained patient while I disappeared over the course of the last month.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ranked vs Player Matches

When I first started playing Virtua Fighter, I found ranked matches intimidating. I had no ranking whatsoever, so I was starting at the bottom of the barrel, and every loss that I would accrue weighed heavily on my mind. "Oh my god!", I thought, how can I be this bad?

Thinking that you suck is one thing, but having a win/loss ratio sitting on your screen as evidence of that fact is something else altogether. So, I would spend the majority of my time online playing in player matches. This offered me a few benefits. First and foremost, I would not have any idea as to how good my opponent was prior to playing them. Seeing someone with an impressive win ratio join your game can have a psychological effect right off the bat, and set you up for a loss you might not normally take. Second, without a rank showing on my opponent, I was much more willing to request rematches, and, thirdly, in player matches you can request rematches.

Rematches present a great training opportunity. The most frustrating thing in the game is having your opponent steamroll right over you, but if you really want to improve, these are the people that you need to keep pestering for rematches. As frustrating as it is, keep requesting a rematch and trying to break down their offense and see if you can hang in there. Whenever I request a rematch, I'm usually thinking about a few things before the next match starts:

  • How did the opponent beat me?

  • Was he using some move that I've never seen before, in which case I need to block more? Was I getting predictable, and letting him exploit that? What about evades? Was I using that crutch far too often? Did he beat me using only 2P?

  • How can I counteract the above?

  • If I'm being predictable, I try to figure out new ways to achieve the same effect. For Brad players, a large part of our game revolves around moving in and out of his stances. If I'm constantly using KP to enter his stance, then I know that it's time to either take a shift away from his stances and going for more juggles, or start using different strings to enter his stances, like 4P, 4PK, and 6P. Is my opponent always successfully blocking my moves? Then it's time to start mixing up my rhythm and introducing some throws and charge moves into my offense.

  • Was I frustrated after losing? Why?

  • Usually the simple act of asking myself this question helps quell my frustration. Usually I'm frustrated because I lost, and I think that I'm capable of playing better. But how can I play better? What should I be doing differently? Return to the top two questions and reiterate.

Back when I spent a lot of time practicing funk styles and dancing, many of the old schoolers would persist the following statement: "To each one, teach one". The idea is that everyone should take the time and effort to spread the knowledge, and teach someone else the tricks that you have learned moving forward. Do you find that you're on the other side of the fence, and absolutely crushing someone in player matches? If a rematch is requested, go for it again. My attitude is that I don't pull my punches when I'm playing newer players, because that will not help them improve the same way that forcing them to think under pressure will.

If you don't like aggreeing to rematches just because it's helpful to the other player, do it for yourself. It is important to play both stronger and weaker players; stronger players will force you to adapt quickly under pressure, but weaker players will allow you the opportunity to make use of the skills you have practiced, and to properly set up for the moves and combo strings that you want to use regularly. I wrote earlier that failure is only a failure if you don't learn something from the experience, and by the same token, a victory is hollow if you don't understand why you won. Make sure that you are winning because you are executing your game plan, not because you are flailing or taking advantage of a lower player's bad habits. Take playing weaker players as an opportunity to practice fixing the bad habit that drives you nuts. It is by aggreeing to rematches in player matches that I have been able to slowly eliminate some of the wreckless dodging I'm doing, and fuzzy guard consistently after connecting with the last hit of Brad's PPK string.

That's a pretty strong case for player matches. Why even bother with ranking then? Jerky VFDC captured some of the essence of ranked matches for me, when I asked him for advice and he told me, "Play ranked matches against strong players. They will build up your mental endurance". Ranked matches will force you to accept that you are playing someone with a proven track record, and, with something on the line, you will find that your play style changes considerably.

Suddenly you'll notice that you start consistently falling back to your perceived safe moves whenever you are down a round in a ranked match. For the longest time, I could not shake my habit of spamming 3PP as soon as I noticed that I was getting low on life. Why? It's not a good move, but for some reason, I mentally perceived that it was safe and would get me out of trouble. Against good players, it just led me to more punishment.

One other benefit of ranked matches - you can do chores in between each match. I manage to get everything done around the house and play Virtua Fighter because I can complete everything I need to do in between each match. Yah, this is a silly reason to play ranked, but it makes a difference to me.

Train in player matches, and then put what you've learned into motion in ranked matches. In player matches you will get the opportunity to play consistently against the same person, and this will provide you many opportunities to adapt to their style, exploit their weakness, and then have the tables turned as they adapt to you. Once you feel like you're winning consistently, switch over to ranked and play there for a while. When you start to feel like you're getting stale and predictable, switch back into player and play multiple matches against people that are able to pick apart your game. You will be stronger for it.

Above all, remember the importance of requesting rematches - everytime you feel yourself getting frustrated, force yourself to reflect on why you are frustrated, how you lost, and hit that button to request another match.

That's all for now. As an aside, if anyone reading has something specific that they would like me to cover, drop a comment and let me know. I very much enjoy the opportunity to write about different aspects of Brad Burns and Virtua Fighter as a whole, and every chance to write about something is a chance to learn it a second time, as I'm required to break it down and think the whole thing through from start to finish.

Lastly, if you're looking for matches, don't hesitate to add me on XBL. My gamertag is Deathsushi, and I'm always up for games.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My crutches

I'm going to do something that tournament players are often not able to afford doing. I'm going to expose what I perceive my own weaknesses to be.

A few weeks ago, I was talking to Tony Familia about Brad, and some of the tricks that he finds useful. We were talking in the Shoutbox at VFDC, a chat program that everyone on the site can see from most of the pages, but Tony requested that we switch the discussion to PM. His logic was fairly sound - he didn't want to have his opponents gain too much of an insight into how to defeat him right before NYG7, a decent sized tournament and Virtua Fighter gathering (that I couldn't make).

I don't fault Tony with this at all, and would probably take the same approach if I was going to be playing in an upcoming tournament. However, I'm a firm believer in what I call the "liquid strategy" approach to gaming. I believe that if I can expose my own weaknesses to people, that will encourage them to exploit that part of my game. In turn, I will be forced to either continue losing, or adapt my strategies to adjust with what my opponents are now using against me. This process of adaptation is what makes for a strong player, and so this is what I hope to do.

Virtua Fighter can in many ways be seen as having an optimal way of playing. All though there are many different choices that you can make at any given point in the game, for specific situations, there is almost always one "best" action to take (naturally once your opponent starts to get wise to this, you will have to adapt, but let's keep things simple for now).

The flipside to moves that I use too much are moves and techniques that I use when I shouldn't. As an example, Brad is disadvantaged by 5 frames after he hits his opponent with the last kick in his PPK string (two jabs followed by a low kick). At 5 frames of disadvantage, Brad is able to perform a fuzzy guard, and avoid any throw attempt while still managing to block any mid-attack that the opponent can hit him with (for those new to the game, a fuzzy guard is performed by holding down just long enough to have Brad enter his ducking animation, then releasing down while continuing to hold guard). The problem is that I'm cheating these optimal plays, and am resorting to tricks that work against lower level players, but get me crushed against players of higher skill.

Let's get on to my crutches:

  • Tech-roll recovery
  • Almost everytime I recover with a tech-roll, I automatically input Bra'd PK string. There's a couple of reasons that I do this. The string starts with his fastest move, an 11-frame jab, meaning that it can interupt a lot of heavier moves that opponents will throw out. It is also semi-circular, which can punish a lot of people trying to evade to crush whatever rising attack I'm doing. Generally speaking though, there should never be an automatic combination or input that I'm entering upon tech-rolling, aside from holding down the guard button (and even then I should be careful).

    How can you beat this? Easy, knock me down with a move that I can tech-roll, feint a follow-up attack, and then just duck and guard. As the entire combo string is high, I'll whiff both attacks right over you and find myself in the undesirable position of being about 11 frames at disadvantage. Almost enough for a guaranteed throw!

  • Lack of defense, too much abare
  • Abare is a japense term used by the Virtua Fighter community, and means (I believe) wreckless. The term is generally applied when someone attacks from a disadvantage. The greater disadvantage you have, in terms of frames, the less likely you are to successfully hit your opponent, and the more likely they are to successfully hit you.

    My big problem is that whenever my opponent successfully blocks or ducks under my PK string, I instinctively either evade and attack or enter 2P. This will work some of the time, but if we go to the command list and look up how much disadvantage I have on PK being blocked, it's quite large - 8 frames. The upshot of this is that the opponent has a very large window to hit me out of either of these two approaches. What's the correct thing to do? Evade, enter a throw-escape, and guard. This will allow me to avoid being thrown, evade any initial attack (thus leaving the opponent at a disadvantage) and block and circular attack.

    How can you beat this? Easy. Since I'm playing wrecklessly whenever I whiff or get a PK blocked, start by going for your fastest mid, which, at 14 frames, will crush my low punch. If I get wise to that and start evading, you can use either a circular, or delay your attack (which will cause me to enter a failed evade animation, and let you hit me successfully).

  • Always evading to the background
  • For whatever reason I always evade to the background (up on the controller). This is more a force of habit than anything else, and is generally because I find it easier to guarantee an evade with this direction. Hitting down on my controller makes me feel more inclined to enter a duck rather than to successfully evade.

    Why is this bad? Because a very skilled opponent knows that some of their moves are only half-circular, and will automatically hit me when I evade in a specific direction. By adjusting their stance to ensure that the circular property of their move matches the direction that I'm evading in, they will ensure a large number of free hits against me.

    How can you beat this? Determine which moves your character has that are half circular, and learn to recognize which direction they will sweep through based on your stance. Brad has a half-circular move that is the start of his Lumpini combination, executed with 4P. By learning which direction this move will come out in (circular through the foreground or the background), you can adjust Brad's stance accordingly and guarantee free hits against me when I evade up.

  • Reversal everytime my opponent rises
  • Brad has only one really useful reversal, and it's mostly only applicable in one scenario. By inputting 1P+K, Brad is able to catch mid-kicks and reverse them. The only time you can really rely on seeing a mid-kick from the opponent is when you have knocked them down. In this situation, Brad can reverse almost every rising mid-kick. This is a great boon, and really intimidates your opponents. By using good yomi, you can scare your opponents into rising holding the block button, opening up your entire wake-up game.

    However, too much of anything is bad, and that applies in droves to Brad's reversal. First of all, this is a gamble at the best of times. Even if I know that my opponent will always use a rising kick, I still have to guess whether or not they will go mid or low. If they go low and I enter the reversal input, I will get hit with a counter hit, taking extra damage and finding myself at an even worse disadvantage. If my opponent elects simly to rise, I still enter the failed reversal animation, and my opponent gets to be the first one to press the attack.

    How can you beat this? Easy. Just rise with low kicks. Don't feel like doing that? Just rise and wait for my failed reversal animation (Brad will raise his knee and hit his elbow against it). Once you see that, throw my ass across the ring. That's all there is to it. This is really the worst habit I have, and there is no excuse for throwing reversals out more than once or twice a match, or if the opponent really has no ability to play intelligently. Punish me for this and help me learn!

Okay, those are the major crutches that I'm currently working through. I have a lot of things that I think I do fairly effectively, but the next post I want to focus on moves and stances of Brad's that I don't use enough and would like to introduce more into my standard arsenal. Top of that list? Sway-back (4P+K+G). Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Charge moves and you

One of the things that I rarely see used in online play are charge moves. Most characters have at least one move that can be charged up, prior to releasing. Once you've fully charged the move, it will automatically execute, and usually the properties are altered in some way. Usually these are automatic guard stuns, meaning that even if the opponent blocks the movie, they will still be staggered and have their guard broken.

Using a charge move requires a little bit of finesse, and is not something that you want to use frequently. At best, the move should be used sparingly, and as a way of mixing up the rhythm of your fighting pattern.

Let's touch on that for a second. Every match in Virtua Fighter, at its core, has a particular rhythm behind it. Combo strings follow a certain rhythm and timing, and most players learn to anticipate and react based on this timing. As you get to know the characters a little better, you learn where their combos can be broken, and where you need input your own counter-attacks to recapture the advantage in a round. Good players learn to feel this rhythm, even if they're not explicitly aware of it, and to adapt to the rhythm that the opponent is using. Great players take this one step further, and learn to change up there rhythm to increase the difficulty in reacting to their actions.

It should be obvious at this point where charge moves fit in - they offer one more way for you to mix-up your rhythm and keep your opponent from adapting to your pattern and timing.

So, how do you use them? The first step in a game like Virtua Fighter is to establish a baseline of expectation for your opponent. What I mean is that you start by using combos and moves that are generally safe, and do not provide a lot of room for your opponent to punish you. For Brad, some of these moves and combos are PPK, PP into stance, KP, and 6P. These moves provide safe options to begin your offense from, and do not leave a large amount of room open to be punished.

The reason that you want to establish a baseline of expectation using moves like this are so that your opponent becomes trained to expect them. Good strategy in Virtua Fighter 5 involves training the opponent to expect certain things, and then deviating from those expectations to catch the opponent off guard and punish them.

Our ultimate goal in setting this baseline, is to get the opponent to start robotically blocking each part of the sequence. After getting hit with the third hit in the PPK series over and over, the opponent is gradually going to become trained to block low after seeing two punches. It is at this point that we start to introduce new moves. Remember the golden rule - don't change what is working. If your opponent is not able to deal with what you are doing, then you should not change it. Let them adapt first, and then change up your gameplan.

Once you've managed to get your opponent to block each part of the sequence, mix things up by introducing a charged move. Brad's charge move fits in fairly well with the above mentioned sequence, and the new string to introduce is PP, 6, K (charge). This comes out as two punches, then entering into his ducking stance, and lastly, fully charging his knee. If you have trained your opponent correctly, they will sit their blindly waiting for the last kick, only to eat a fully charged knee and then be comboed.

Why not just use a throw instead? This is a good question - the short answer is because this is different than a throw. The long answer has many reasons. A succesfully charged attack like Brad's knee will break either standing or ducking guard. The knee will enable a combo, whereas a throw will not. Perhaps most important of all, it's good to do different things. The more varied you can make your attack, the more difficult it will be for your opponent to figure out how to deal with it.

You want to use charges sparingly, and mainly as a way to prevent your opponent from getting comfortable with any particular method of blocking. Make the opponent uncomfortable defending, and you will be one step closer to winning the match.

The alternative to fully charging is to partially delay your attacks. This will not alter the properties of the move, but it does provide another alternative to mix-up your rhythm. The ideal situation that you are aiming for is to unload your move right as your opponent realizes that they have a chance to strike and knock you out of your combo. If you have correctly judged your opponent, you will be awarded a counterhit, and can punish accordingly.

Charge moves can also provide the opportunity for good okizeme. That is - wake up games. Each time you knock your opponent down, a guessing game begins. Will your opponent rise with a mid or low kick? Will they roll away? Will they tech roll? Or will they stand up and block. When I've knocked my opponent down, I'm aiming to train them to rise and block. By punishing them for rising and attacking, you can set imbue your opponents with the need to block when they rise. Once you've accomplished this, you can start introducing charged attacks, once again, as a way to punish your opponent for rising and blocking.

Charge attacks should be used sparingly, and when the time is right, you'll feel it. I find myself using them at most once every 3 or 4 matches, simply because they put you at a high risk, and you need to know that you have got your opponent pegged correctly on their block.

That's all for now, but I'll post again soon with the other aspect of rhyhtm and mix-ups that are important - throws.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

On Failure

If there's one thing that you need to become accustomed to, in order to continue improving, it is failure.

A player that I have come across a number of times, named V MIRZA, has written in his XBox Live Bio that "I know my skill level. If you're better than me, I won't try". After the second match that we played in which he just gave up, I grew frustrated, and messaged him.

"Why do you play VF5?" I asked.

His reply was something to the effect of "Because it's a game requiring skill, is good quality and isn't flashy or stupid like DoA".

An excellent reply I thought - these are the key reasons someone should play. So "Why don't you try to actually play then?" I returned. His repsonse was telling. "I get worried that I'll lose and won't get better".

There it is. Loss and failure are funny things. In many ways, they are counter-intuitive to the way we think about improvement. If I'm improving, why do I keep failing? In every skill-based pursuit I've ever tried to improve at, I have found that the formula is inevitably one step backwards, and two steps forwards. The tricky part is that we often greatly perceive the step backwards, and only slightly notice the movement forward.

A loss only truly becomes failure when we are unwilling to take stock of why we lost, and how we can improve from it. Every single loss that you experience during your quest to improve and grow, as a VF5 player, is an opportunity to learn about your own weaknesses, and a chance to grow as a skilled fighter.

V MIRZA's comment is a common attitude. There are a lot of people out there that will avoid losing in many ways. Some players will do what V MIRZA does, and simply give up. If you've given up, you can then take comfort in the claim that your loss wasn't because you tried your best and lost, it was simply because you weren't trying. Some players will blame their losses on luck, or lag. Some players will make ridiculous comments like "I prefer fighting people with variety, instead of canned combos". This just means that they enjoy fighting people that they can beat.

If you truly want to become the best player possible, it is essential that you be willing to look at your own losses with a honest introspection. There is nothing that will provide you greater insight into how you can improve, than by reviewing your own matches, and seeing what your opponent is exploiting.

Over at VFDC, people have made complaints about a player named Unico711. Unico plays a very unique Brad. He doesn't approach Brad the same way I do, and uses a very limited moveset. The first time I played him, I couldn't understand why his level was so high - the first round that we fought, all he did was 2P me. After I adapted to that, he changed up his attack, and started using DM P+K, and full circular sweeps. And so on. People complain about the fact that all he does is low sweep spam, and DM P+K spam. But this isn't something you should ever complain about. You should either determine why you are losing to someone that is spamming moves, or look to this player as someone that you can hone your skills against. Next time you lose and are tempted to say something like this, stop yourself, and ask why you really lost. We don't lose because our opponent was "cheap" and just used 2P. We lost because we were unable to adapt to that method of attack.

One of the people that I respect the most for this approach to gaming is David Sirlin. His blog/book about playing to win advocates an approach like this one, where you do not blame your losses on something like the moves your opponent used, or their attitude, but solely focus your view inwards, and attempt to resolve any issues from there. You can read more about his point of view in his excellent book (freely available on his website), here.

That's all for now.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The goods

What, four entries and I'm already slacking on updates? This is unacceptable.

I'm in the process of building a list of the attacks that I use often with Brad, and which ones of those I need to train myself to fuzzy with afterwards, but that is taking a little longer than expected, so instead I'll write about some of Brad's moves that I've noticed are more effective than I initially realized.

  • P6PK

  • This string is typically used in Brad's combos to followup after a successful launcher. However, by itself, this string gets me more free hits than almost any other. Coupling this string with PP and PPK mix-ups makes for a strong starting point for any Brad player. Here are some of the reason why I like this string.

    PPK is a strong baseline attack for Brad. The string opens up off of Brad's jab, his fastest strike, and is a great way to interupt. The second is a free hit (I believe), and the final kick hits low, which means it's rarely blocked, unless you're getting mechanical with your offense. On top of all of that, the move is safe on hit, because Brad is at -5 frames on the last kick hitting, which means you can fuzzy guard and avoid any harm coming your way, thus resetting your offense.

    In contrast to PPK, P6PK hits high, mid, and mid. Most opponents starting to get sick of getting hit by PPK will automatically start to block low on impulse after eating the first two punches. The two mids that follow that jab provide additionally ways to mix-up your attack, and force your opponent to guess between low and high.

    Also, the third hit of this string comes out just a little bit slower than the kick in PPK. This slight delay, rather than weakening the string, is actually a strength. In my experience, the delay is just enough time for the opponent to second guess their own defense, and either switch to blocking low, or try to break you out of the string with their own attack. In the first case, they get hit by your mid. In the second case, they're going to eat a counter-hit with your knee (as far as I know, there is not enough time for them to hit you between the punch and the knee).

    And on that note, there's nothing Brad players like more than getting a free neck-clinch after a counter-hit. Train yourself to enter this string as P6PK,P+G, aiming to hit the throw input right as the knee hits. If you don't connect with a counter-hit, then it's no problem, and if you do, you get to eat away a large stack of your opponent's health bar.

    Against newer players, I often open with this string, going P6PK (counter-hit into neck-clinch), 8, K, K, 8, 33PP, P6PK. The result is the combo, a neck clinch, two knees to the body, throw them behind you and followup with Brad's double uppercut, and then finish off with the same string for a massive amount of damage. It's very demoralizing to get hit with all this, especially for a new player, and they almost inevitable will turtle upon rising, making for easy pickings.

    Lastly, this is a great string to use along with PP to cancel into throws. Remember, the knee is just a little bit delayed for P6PK, and so after eating a few knees, your opponent is put under pressure to give you just that much more leighway in your delay, creating the perfect opportunity to mixup into a throw.

  • 4K

  • Maybe this is obvious to a lot of people, maybe it isn't. I never used this kick when I first started out, because somehow it felt like it took ages to execute. I wanted something fast that I could hit with, and I was willing to sacrifice range to accomplish that. However, this move actually executes in 17 frames, reasonable in many cases, and opens up an excellent range option for Brad.

    I typically like to play my Brad up close and aggressive. Usually that means that I don't do much fighting in his outer range. However, I've been given advice lately that I should work to space a little better throughout my games, including using his sway back to complement my existing aggressive game. Once you start playing very aggressive and close to your opponent, they will switch to using more attacks with lesser range - jabs, ducking jabs, just ANYTHING to get you out of their face. This is a great opportunity to move back out of range, let them whiff, and then close the range again and punish.

    4K has great range, in and of itself, and also allows Brad to make use of all of his slipping and ducking options. One set that I've had great success with is 4K, Enter Ducking, P, P. You can delay the last P in that series of hits out of ducking, and if it counter-hits, it floats your opponent, letting you connect with P6PK (remember that little string?). This ability to enter ducking needs to be used now and then, if only because Brad is -8 on guard with this kick. That leaves enough room to ETEG if you are good (I'm not), but with the ability to cancel out of this delay into his stances, you can prevent the opponent from following up overzealously.

    Don't forget, any time you have a string that you can delay well, you've got a string that you can also cancel into a throw. These are the type of mix-ups you want to abuse. Delay your strings until your opponents start blocking, and then start punishing them by throwing. Keep them guessing.

    4K also has excellent ability to create a wall-bounce, I believe even on normal hit, open up the doors to abuse this move further and gain free hits and throws off of your opponents. This move can also be used to cheat out ring outs, epsecially in conjunction with Brad's throw backwards, 1P+G.

    Lastly, you can just do 4K and leave it at that. Excellent range and the ability to push the opponent back is always a nice way to create a bit of distance and some breathing room. Use this move along with 2K+G at distance and you'll be able to keep your opponent guessing and frustrate them.

That's it for today, but check back soon for my list of Brad strings and attacks that are useful and fuzzyable.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One step back, two steps forward

I remember when I started doing my undergrad in Computer Science, I was a sight-typist, and would use only the first two fingers and thumb of each hand. In spite of this, I could bang the keys pretty hard, and hit a fairly respectable WPM rate, even amongst my fellow computer science nerds.

In spite of my typing speed, I eventually decided it was ridiculous that I needed to lock my eyes to the keyboard when I was typing, and that it was time to learn how to type properly. I downloaded Mavis Beacon, and I played that stupid racing game (where your car goes faster the better you type) until my fingers were sore and I was shouting in frustration because I kept hitting the damn semi-colon. I'd been typing the same way since I was about 6. I'd developed a lot of bad habits, and it took a long time to break most of them.

A lot of the time, I would be talking to my friends on MSN, and making a real effort to type correctly. Roughly 70 times a message, I would be tempted to go back to my old way of typing, and blast out the message and the speed I knew I was capable of. But I didn't, because I knew that if I did, I would be cheating the learning curve and would continue to maintain those bad habits.

The real question is: What the hell does this have to do with VF5? A lot it turns out. I started playing the game about three months ago. I read through the forums and moveslist at VFDC, and I saw mention of things like TEG, fuzzy guarding, etc. and mostly ignored them. I'm too much of a beginner to pursue advanced concepts like that. This was a fair approach, I think. You need to learn to walk before you can run. As I progressed though, I never returned to those tutorials, and learned my own bad habits. As I've already mentioned once before, evading is my big crutch.

Learning to properly defend, fuzzy, and apply throw escapes, is analogous to me learning how to type correctly. In the past two days, there have been countless matches where I've wanted to do nothing more than evade. Instead, I attempt to stand my ground, and I either get thrown, or combo'd across the screen. I'm an 8th dan in ranked, which isn't great, but it's not bad either. Last night I was losing to people ranked 1st dan. They weren't playing great, I was just out of my element. I desperately wanted to revert to my old ways and just start evading around the ring and pummeling them so that I could heal my hurt ego. But what's more important? Healing my ego, or learning to play the way I really want to? The answer for me is obvious. Maybe for you it will be different.

The moral here is that as discouraging as it can be to try and learn something new, have patience with yourself, and remind yourself that it's natural that you are going to have to re-learn how to beat the people that in the past you would have defeated with ease. Remind yourself that if it didn't require effort, it probably wouldn't be worth it. More details as I continue to progress (or stagnate indefinitely).

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Learning to play defensively

I've been very fortunate lately to get help from some excellent players. Both Chief Flash and KaminariOyaji have been giving me advice that has been very valuable. I've come to the conclusion that while my offense is reasonably strong (though far from fantastic), my defense is very weak.

The first problem that I've identified is that I rely on evading far too often. Ridiculously so. Playing Kaminari last night, he noticed that I was evading barely a quarter of his moves, and spending most of the time doing failed evades. I've been able to get away with this against weaker players, as they will typically do fast linear moves that execute before they have time to track my failed evade, but as I climb up the ranking ladder, the better players are identifying this and capitalizing on my weakness.

Delayed attacks, throws, and circular strikes are all excellent ways to punish this kind of playing. Typically, by overwhelming my opponents with offense, I'm able to get away with a weak defense, and by evading in this manner, I've been able to reset the advantage back to my side and start my offense again. It makes for a nice long continuous string of attacks that weaker players have a lot of trouble breaking through. However, now that I'm having this weakness exposed by better players, it's making it all the more obvious how poor my defensive skills are.

Chief Flash has been very generous in answering my slew of questions related to timing, fuzzy guarding, evading, throw escapes, and every other aspect of defense that you can think about. This has all been very helpful, but the real challenge now begins, as I have to start putting the theory into practice. This is damn hard. On the squash court, it's always understood that you have to take time to drill in a new technique before you can actually put it to use in your games. Virtua Fighter is no different, as I find myself shouting at the top of my lungs at my TV "STOP EVADING YOU MORON", but without any change in gameplay (I typically evade immediately after I shout this, creating an infinite loop and tearing the fabric of space-time). As you can imagine, this process if extremely frustrating.

Being able to play defensively as well as offensively is obviously extremely important. As I'm humbly discovering, pure offense will only take you so far. It was while playing Kaminari last night that he gave me the best theoretical advice I've ever received (Flash has been pumping me with the best technical advice). This advice was as follows: When you play defensively, and are able to prevent your opponent from breaking through, you start to break down their mental toughness. The less damage they are able to do, the more they will start to revert to their basic line of play, and their basic game. This is where you start to see a lot of 2P, evades (me), and other basics of the game coming into play. This is the point where you can start to learn how they will react in a given situation, and adjust your gameplay as is warranted.

Maybe this doesn't sound like much, but this was the piece of information that pulled everything together for me. It was all so clear now. Of course that is what will happen, but why had I never thought about it that way? In this manner, your defense can become your best offense, much like I'd been relying on my strong offense as my best defense. It's cliche, but it's all about that yin-yang.

So, how am I putting this idea into practice? Poorly. Haw haw haw. But seriously, the first step is to pick one move that I use a lot, and really really REALLY focus hard on doing the correct defensive technique after that. For me, this is Brad's PPK string.

I like PPK with Brad because it's generally free damage, and it has a small amount of frame disadvantage on hit. This string is two quick highs, followed up with a low kick. The two highs start with Brad's jab, which is 12 frames, and the low kick is almost never blocked. Additionally, you can go into Brad's movement from PP, which means that most people prefer to block high after the first two punches, fearing the mid-game mix-up that Brad can go into from his stances.

After the kick in this string hits, Brad is at -5 disadvantage. This means that I have enough time to fuzzy guard, without the added complexity of needing a crouch dash (which becomes necessary at -6).

So, how has all of this been going? Well, I'm still getting frustrated, but I'm slowly getting there. Playing UKDiddy today (great Akira!), I managed to start training myself to shout less, and actually fuzzy after this string connects. This opened the door for me to block his response, and then respond with one of my own. I can still reset the situation and begin my offense again, but this time I'm doing it with effective blocking, rather than evading haphazardly.

I've got one other secret weapon for improvement, and I will impart that now. The secret is... I ask for advice after every match. Different players will always see different aspects of your game that they notice and learn to take advantage of.

Sometimes you get responses from people that sucks: "Win more games".

Sometimes you get advice that is accurate, but not very helpful: "Use better yomi". This is fair, better yomi will always help, but it's not a very easy item to put into practice.

More often than not, you'll get very helpful advice: "Don't evade so much", "Fuzzy guard more often", and "Learn to play defensively, MORON" (that last one if my own advice to myself).

Don't be afraid to swallow your pride, regardless of how well your opponent played, and send them a "GGs, thanks. Any advice?". Sometimes it can be hard hearing about your own flaws, but it's the only way to continue improving. Listen to the advice, use Dojo, then Quest mode, then Player games, and lastly Ranked games, to put the advice into practice.

Friday, August 22, 2008

First post (ish)

Okay. This is the inaugural first post of this blog, after, obviously, the intro post. Since this is the first post, it makes sense that I would dedicate this to a significant aspect of Brad that I have learned as I have practiced. I should dedicate this to one move of Brad's that I use in every match, regardless of the skill level of the opponent, the way I'm playing, or anything else. So, let's do that.

The move? 2P. That's right. Ducking punch. I can already hear people screaming "Spammer" and "Scrub" at their computer monitors as they read this. That's fine. If you want to continue to improve, the first thing you need to do is ignore those people. 2P is an important move. There's a reason it always shows up in every characters top 10 moves list. Let's start to get into how this move is useful for Brad.

Let's look at three areas this move is good at.

  1. Maintaining Momentum

  2. Brad excels in a few areas. He can keep the momentum up at a very rapid pace, and force the opponent to constantly make awkward decisions. He can overwhelm the opponent's focus, mentally, by constantly switching back and forth between stances. Unlike Lei Fei, who needs to commit to one of his many stances, do a move sequence, and then move into his next (ignore the fact for now that Lei can also switch manually back and forth - this is slow and tangential to what I'm talking baout) stance very quickly. Just when the opponent thinks that you've switched into a stance and there is a window of delay, POW. You nail them with a head crumple from Brad's Slipping Left and deftly remove a third of their life bar.

    Where does 2P fit into all of this? Part of establishing and maintaining good momentum is disguising from your opponent the places where they can interupt your rhythm. Every character has these places, and the better opponents know where these windows are, and punish accordingly. 2P provides a way to break these windows apart, and make them even smaller.

    Maintain your advantage and the pressure on the opponent by sticking in a 2P and keeping your advantage before carrying on with more shenanigans. Lead the opponent to believe that they've got an opening to hit you, counter-hit them with your 2P, and then go back into your offense now that you've recaptured the momentum.

  3. Defense and rhythm

  4. One of the things that has always struck me about fighting games is that everyone plays to a certain rhythm. One of the key things I've found has helped me to beat people is to understand their rhythm, and figure out how to break them out of it. Sometimes this just means playing slower (honestly. Some people HATE playing a slower game, and will start to get reckless). Sometimes this means playing fast and in their face. Sometimes this means doing odd things. 2P is an excellent way to break an opponent out of their rhythm, and reset the flow and pace of the round.

    This does not mean that you should throw out 2P constantly, nor that you use it without thinking about it. Always attempt to play intelligently. If you've noticed that the opponent often uses their PPP string, wait until you have blocked those three punches, and then throw out your 2P. Reset their rhythm, and throw them off balance. Sometimes it's worth doing this just to see how the opponent deals with the move. Did they block after you hit them? Did they attack again? (if so, next time, try throwing out 2P, followed by 2P). Don't treat 2P as a mindless attack to spam. Treat it as a way of looking into the mind of your opponent.

  5. Placeholder

  6. The last use of 2P is as a placeholder. When you don't know what you should do, but you have the advantage, throw out a 2P. One of the styles of dance (locking) that I practice has a technique called pacing. This is essentially your basic movement, and is what you do when you're not sure what to do. It's essentially movement for the sake of movement. Use 2P in this manner. Again, any locker that did nothing but pace all night would be boring to watch, and would get schooled by someone with skill. The same is the case with 2P. Use it intelligently, and let it be a way of showing your opponent that even though you don't yet know how you want to respond to that delayed rising kick you just blocked, you're still going to get some guaranteed damage from them.

Lastly, as I said initially, don't let people convince you that 2P is only for scrubs. Play the game to win, not to be stylish. If your opponent has trouble dealing with ducking jabs, that's his problem, not yours. Every time you get sent a message after you've won that says something like this:

Wow, 2P spam. I prefer playing people that aren't boring

Treat it as a compliment to your ability to win. That's great that the opponent prefers to play people that aren't boring, but we're here to win, not to be flashy.

Okay, it's out of the way. I won't mention 2P after this, except incidentally. Now it's time to start getting specific to Brad.

The start of the big time player

Alright. I've loved playing Virtua Fighter for a long time, and have always appreciate the ridiculous amount of depth that the game provides for a player to delve into. Fighting games have always been my favorite type of video game for precisely this reason - the decision tree is rich, and the gameplay is dynamic. Micro-management isn't necessary, as it is in real time strategy games, and you can play a game and be finished in under a minute.

But enough about why I choose to play. What is this blog? This blog has manifested as a result of a few things. Firstly, I love Virtua Fighter 5, and have a deep desire to continue improving. Part of the learning process for me is sharing and teaching. I don't consider myself excellent at the game, but I do believe that everyone who has learned something can then in turn pass that knowledge along. By teaching (in this case, by writing about it in a blog), I am able to learn that piece of information a second time. Blogging gives me a way to articulate and breakdown what I've learned into manageable chunks that I can go back and review if I like.

The impetus for this blog comes from Konjou Akira and Leonard McCoy's excellent blogs for Akira and Goh, respectively. When I first started playing VF 5 three months ago, I cruised through the forums of VFDC, looking for good Brad advice. There's definitely some excellent analysis available out there of his various moves, his advantages, disadvantages, what to do in certain situations, but there is something that I feel is missing. The human element.

I like learning from stories. I like understanding along with the person that is writing. Somehow, it helps me plug in a little bit more than I would if I only read through a set of moveslists that I've got sorted based on the advantage in frames that I have when a move is guarded (don't underestimate the usefulness of this though. More on that later).

It wasn't until I started playing Goh that I came across Leonard McCoy's blog, and then by searching for more blog's, Konjou Akira's. It was with great dismay that I saw in these blogs a lot of information that would have helped greatly early on, as I first trying to gain an understanding of the basic concepts like advantage and disadvantage.

Anyhow, my goal is to do the same thing for Brad. The forums at VFDC these days are slowing down, as Soul Calibur 4 has been released, and VF5R is now out in arcades in Japan, but I'm still as interested as ever in improving my Brad game, and I will continue to learn in spite of all that. This blog will detail the things that I learn as I continue to progress, and it will point out the common pitfalls that I have made in the hopes that anyone starting out new with Brad can read about them and avoid making the same mistakes that I have.

What this blog is NOT. This blog is NOT an attempt by me to present myself as an exceptional Virtua Fighter player, because... I'm not. This blog isn't an attempt by me to supercede anyone else's knowledge, nor to contradict the wealth of information that is already out there. If you see something that you disagree with, then write me a comment and let me know - the more I can learn using this blog, the better. After all, this is just one more tool to help me in my quest to continue to develop and grow.